Secondary Education

This section will allow both parents and teachers to access information regarding secondary schools within the Diocese of Motherwell.
All schools have a Chaplain appointed by the Bishop.
Religious Education is a integral element of the curriculum in diocesan schools. To assist in its management, each school has a Principal Teacher or Coordinator of Religious Education. To find out more about how Religious Education is managed at a diocesan level (including responsibilities of teachers and parents) you can view the document "Guidelines for Catholic Secondaries" below.
This Is Our Faith, the syllabus for Catholic religious education in Scotland, governs the teaching of religious education in Scotland's Catholic schools. This is the first religious education syllabus to be originated wholly in Scotland and designed to meet the needs of young people in Scotland. It was published in November 2011 by the Scottish Catholic Education Service on behalf of the Catholic Bishops of Scotland; a Senior Phase version was published in October 2015.
This is Our Faith is designed to inform teachers' understanding of the nature of the Catholic school, the purpose of religious education, the role of the teacher, the 'Strands of Faith' under which is organised the 'core learning' in faith which young people are expected to experience through their Broad General Education phase (P1 through to S3) and at theSenior Phase (S4 to S6).
Further details relating to Religious Education nationally can be found at: or by clicking the logo below.