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Easter Passion Scene

Primary 6 at St Brendan’s Primary have worked hard to design and create their very own Passion Scene. We have thought carefully about the symbolism we have used and are using our scene to teach the other boys and girls about the Passion.

The Castle

The castle represents the place where Pontius Pilate lived. Inside the castle, you will see the block of wood where Jesus was whipped. We also made a cloak which can be seen inside the castle too. This represents the cloak placed on Jesus and represents his title King of the Jews.

Pontius Pilate

The figure at the castle entrance is Pontius Pilate. Next to him stands his two guards.

Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesusc

The miniature white cloth has the face of Jesus on it to represent the station where Veronica wiped his face during his struggle to carry the cross.

Market Scene

We decided to create a market scene along the edge of the castle as we imagine Jerusalem as a busy place, full of hustle and bustle. We even created the signs in Hebrew!

Calvary Hill

Jesus is crucified next to two robbers. The figures at the bottom of the hill represent the crowds who came to watch this.

The Tomb

We used a plastic bin bag to create the cave effect for the tomb. It is empty and the stone has rolled away to represent the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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