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Annual Safeguarding Statement

The Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels fell on 2nd October, and the Scottish Dioceses have chosen to make the Annual Safeguarding Statement on the Sunday nearest the Feast of the Holy Angels. Today we are reminded that everyone in the Catholic Church – especially those in positions of leadership and responsibility – value the lives, wholeness, safety, and well-being of each individual person within God’s purpose for everyone. (In God’s Image, p.3)

In God’s Image, the Church’s safeguarding instruction, directs the approach to safeguarding that is to be practised at every level of the Catholic Church in Scotland. It explains how the Church makes every effort to protect, in particular our children and vulnerable adults, from all forms of harm.

Safe recruitment practices ensure volunteers only start their ministry once a series of suitability checks have been completed, including PVG membership, where eligible and appropriate.

Safeguarding training ensures that, clergy, volunteers, group leaders, and Parish Safeguarding Coordinators know what to do if a safeguarding situation arises.

We have reporting measures so that concerns can be passed on. Our Mandatory Reporting Policy is designed to ensure that any allegations of abuse are reported to the police.

Whilst statutory procedures such as PVG checks are an essential and a mandatory part of our protocols, adopting a culture of care is equally important – being vigilant, looking out for each other, and passing on any concerns.

Safeguarding within our parishes continues to be a vital element of our Diocesan life. We remain grateful for the incredible efforts of all our parish volunteers in their individual ministries, and pay special tribute to each of the Parish Safeguarding Coordinators and the tireless work they do on behalf of their parish communities.

The Diocese continues to work closely with the Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (SCSSA). The independent organisation is tasked to ensure compliance with the National Safeguarding Standards as directed by In God’s Image.

As always, the Diocese of Motherwell wishes to encourage anyone who has experienced abuse by clergy or church personnel, or who have any Safeguarding concerns, to come forward and speak to the Diocesan Safeguarding team. You can contact them either by emailing, writing, or calling the Diocesan Advisor. Every effort will be made to offer assistance.

Details of how to make a complaint or raise a Safeguarding issue are given below.

Yours in Christ

+ Joseph Toal

If you are a survivor of abuse by someone within the Catholic Church and wish to find out what support is available, you can do so by contacting our Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor:

Tel: 01698 269114 (option 3)

Address: Safeguarding Advisor, Diocesan Centre, Coursington Road, ML1 1PP

The Catholic Church in Scotland has a mandatory reporting policy. This means ALL allegations of abuse are reported to the Police, whether the accused is alive or deceased. Although all allegations are reported to the Police, you have the right to decide whether or not to engage with the Police at this stage.

If you wish to make a statement to the Police, or if you decide that you are unable to do so at the moment, Safeguarding personnel are still available to offer you support.


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