With great sadness we regret to advise that Fr Damien Gilhooley, retired Priest of the Diocese, has passed away this afternoon in Monklands Hospital, Airdrie, after his admission on Holy Thursday.
Funeral Arrangements for Fr Damien Gilhooley:
Fr Damien’s remains will be received into St James’ Church, Coatbridge, at 6.30pm on Monday April 24th.
His Funeral Mass will be on Tuesday 25th April at 11.30am, with his burial thereafter at St Joseph’s Cemetery, Rochsoles, Airdrie.
Biographical Information for Fr Gilhooley
Born 31st July 1944 in Cambuslang
Ordained 29th June 1968
Assistant Priest
St James’, Coatbridge 1968
St Benedict’s, Easterhouse 1971
St Andrew’s, Airdrie 1975
Our Lady of Lourdes, East Kilbride 1980
St Bartholomew’s, Coatbridge 1983
St Cadoc’s, Halfway 1989
Parish Priest
St Dominic’s, Craigend 1991
St Bernard’s, Coatbridge 1996
St James’, Coatbridge 2009
Retired 10th August 2019
Died 10th April 2023
May he rest in the peace of the Lord.
Our Lady, Queen of Priests, pray for him.