On Wednesday the 3rd May St Bride’s East Kilbride will begin a Novena to Our Lady Untier of Knots, to ask for her prayers for ourselves and those who are dear to us.
Do you have an intention that seems impossible? A problem that seems insurmountable? Then come to this most powerful of novenas! Our Lady will not let you down!
Where did this devotion come from?
While studying in Bavaria in the 1980s, the Jesuit priest, Jorge Mario Bergoglio – now His Holiness Pope Francis – saw a painting (above) in the Church of Saint Peter in Augsburg. The artist Johann Melchior Schmittdner had painted ‘Mary, Untier of Knots’ in 1700, inspired by a meditation of Saint Irenaeus (Bishop of Lyon, France, martyred in 202AD) which was based on the parallel made by Saint Paul between Adam and Christ. Saint Irenaeus made a comparison between Eve and Our Lady, saying: “Eve, by her disobedience, tied the knot of disgrace for the human race; whereas Mary, by her obedience, undid it”.
So impressed was he by the painting and the story behind it, that when he got back to Argentina, he had copies of the painting made and displayed them in different Churches, and many favours have been granted to those who have invoked Our Lady, Untier of Knots.
What are these knots?
They are the problems and struggles we face for which we see no solution. Knots of discord in our families: lack of understanding between parents and children; the knots of deep- rooted hurt, and the absence of peace and joy in our homes. There are also the knots of despair: of separated couples; those who no longer practise their faith; of children and grandchildren who are not baptised. There are the knots of addictions: to alcohol, drugs, gambling… The knots of loneliness, depression and fear… The knots of unemployment, of health worries, and a million other things besides. The knots of all our lives!
Through this Novena: families have reconciled! Family members have returned to the Church! Jobs have been found! Conversions have taken place! Problems have been solved! Our Lady comes to us as the One who unties these impossible knots, the One who knows all about us, who has compassion for us and hurries to help us.
Please join us on Wednesday 3rd May at 7pm, if you can. As well as the Novena Prayers, the service will include the Rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.