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Organ Donations

The Bishops’ Conference on Scotland’s has issued a statement following the change in law in Scotland regarding organ donations and the new presumed consent system.

The Catholic Parliamentary Office has also produced a short article including details for people to access and update the organ donation register. You can access it via this link:


‘The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland acknowledges organ donation after death as a noble

and meritorious act to be encouraged as an expression of generous solidarity. It is a gift and

a sign of great love for one’s neighbour.

However, fundamental to the generous act of organ donation is its voluntary nature and,

thus, the requirement for explicit consent. An opt-out system of organ donation may result

in organs being taken after death without the deceased having previously given explicit


Individuals should take great care to be clear about whether they would like to donate their

organs when they die. Their intentions should be reflected on the organ donation register

and made known to relatives.’

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