Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We kept last Sunday as our annual Day for Life and in the letter offered for last Sunday Bishop John Keenan encouraged us all to maintain or renew our interest and concern about the grave issues around the sanctity of human life, particularly at its early stages in the mother’s womb.. The Church wants us to resist present trends which favour the termination of life in the womb at the mother’s choice, and indeed also to the ending of one’s life by personal choice. It wishes to give every assistance to mothers to chose to bring children into the world rather than abort them, and it is here that we should think about what we are doing and refocus our efforts.
Over the years great work has been done to assist mothers, particularly younger ones, to have their babies and to care for them after birth. The numbers in Diocesan groups though have declined and it is time to reach out and invite others to become more involved in the pro-life cause and the practical charity necessary to offer assistance to pregnant women.
I wish therefore to hold a meeting, open to everyone, to seek volunteers and to discuss how we can renew and develop our pro-life work in the Diocese of Motherwell. The meeting will be held on Monday 26th June at 7pm in the Diocesan Offices in Motherwell. I invite you to attend, and if you are not able to able to so let me know of your interest and support. Please let others know of the time and place of the meeting and encourage them to attend along with you.
With my prayers and best wishes,
Yours in Christ.
+ Joseph Toal