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Visit of the Relics of St Therese - Day Three

The final day of the visit began with the Parish Masses celebrated in St Francis Xavier's Church.

At 3pm, thousands of Catholics from across Scotland gathered in the Grotto for the National Pilgrimage Mass in honour of St Therese of Lisieux celebrated by Bishop Toal and the Bishops of Scotland.

The relics were carried in procession by the Knights of St Columba from the Church to the Grotto for Holy Mass. At the conclusion of the Mass, Bishop Toal offered the prayers for the farewell after which the relics were taken by hearse to the Diocese fo Galloway. As the relics left the Grotto, the thousands of pilgrims made an impromtu guard of honour as Deacon John Nevans led the relics to the sound of Faith of our Father and Immaculate Mary on the bag pipes. An amazing farewell to St Therese after what had been a most wonderful and encouraging weekend filled with many graces.

Photos by Sancta Familia Media


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