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Spiritual Resources

Jesus asked his disciples to 'come and rest awhile' in the midst of their busy lives, when the gospels relate that they were too busy even to eat!

If you sometimes feel this way, this page should help, by providing links to some spiritual resources to help you pray and rest in God. 

Pray as you go   Daily prayer for your mp3 player.  This site is run by the Irish Jesuit Media Initiatives, and provides an opportunity to pray anywhere.  Prayers include a daily meditation with music, a review of the day, and hints on preparing to pray.  Meditations can also be played on your computer.

Sacred Space .  Daily prayer online.  Also run by the Irish Jesuits, this also features a daily meditation in audio and text form.  Other features include the Chapel of Remembrance: Your prayer for the departed; Chapel of Intentions: Add your Prayer Request and pray for others; and LivingSpace: Resources on prayer, scripture and life

Being Catholic  Our very own Scottish site, which provides resources and opprtunities under the headings: Praying our Faith, Learning our Faith, Sharing our Faith

SCES  The Scottish Catholic Education Service site, which is full of good ideas to support and inspire teachers in their faith development

Today is my gift to you  Another Irish website, by a school chaplain with super archive material.  It features a reflection and photograph for each day

Creighton university daily reflections  This site features a commentary and reflection on the daily readings from Mass.

Universalis   This American site provides many useful features: e.g a short biography of the saint of the day, the daily readings from Mass, and the Divine Office (psalm-based prayer prayed by priests, nuns, religious communities and many lay people daily all over the world)

These video clips from Busted Halo give good tips for spiritual growth:


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