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Whole School Advent

St John the Baptist, Uddingston:

Fr Stephen Reilly sent the schools in the Diocese a PowerPoint of cribs from around the world, photographed at an exhibition in Assisi (see below). From the  PowerPoint we decided to hold a crib exhibition with every child in the school contributing a figure, as follows:

Jesus – P.1
Angels – P.2
Animals -  P.3
Wise Men – P.4
Shepherds – P.5
Mary – P.6
Joseph  - P.7

It was clear very early on we were going to be overwhelmed by the repsonse from the children. The children's figures even took over our Life size crib in the dining hall!! 
Fr Towey, our parish priest, very kindly allowed us to display the exhibition in the church over Christmas and it was a huge hit with all the parishioners. It is something which we hope to repeat this year as it brought the whole school and parish community together.

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