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Diocese of Motherwell


Youth Ministry




  • To bring young people of the Diocese of Motherwell into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the lived experience of the community of the Church.

  • To support local parish communities within the Diocese, enabling them to set up and sustain their own youth ministry.

  • To bring together young people who are engaged in parish youth ministry through organising and promoting Diocesan, national and international events and pilgrimages.




  • To place prayer and the fostering of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the practice of lifelong discipleship among young people at the heart of our work.

  • To support parishes in encouraging their young parishioners to become lifelong disciples of Jesus by:

    • providing diocesan support and training to parishes wishing to set up and sustain youth ministry.

    • encouraging and facilitating the sharing of good youth engagement practice across parishes in the diocese.

    • facilitating dialogue between parishes and high schools, especially in the fruitful use of the required parish hours of the Caritas programme.

    • organising and evaluating a programme of Diocesan, national and international events, retreats and pilgrimages to bring together those involved in parish youth ministry at the parish level.

    • bringing together young people who are engaged in parish youth ministry by hosting regular encounters of parish young adult groups, individuals and pilgrims.

  • To develop and strong communications profile and maintain an active presence on social media.

  • To collaborate with other Wellspring missions, diocesan organisations and national bodies.

Meet the Team

Vicar Episcopal for Youth

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Rev. Stephen Reilly

Fr. Stephen Reilly’s journey with young people began in Rome, where he spent five years as a scout chaplain while studying for the priesthood. From there, his passion for guiding and inspiring youth took him to high school chaplaincy, and later, to the lecture halls of Glasgow University, where he taught for seven years. Now, as Vicar Episcopal for Youth, he’s dedicated to empowering the next generation, firmly believing that young people are not just the future, but the vibrant present of the Church.


When he’s not bringing fresh energy to youth ministry, you might find Fr. Stephen scaling a hill on a weekend hike, brushing up on his Arabic (it’s a work in progress!), or strumming a few tunes on his guitar. He’s also a fan of travel and diving into crime fiction, whether in books or on screen, from all corners of the world.


With his wealth of experience and love for adventure, Fr. Stephen is all about making faith an exciting and enriching journey for young people across the diocese.

Youth Officer

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Mishal Novani

From training new youth leaders, giving inspiring talks to hosting lively youth events, Mishal brings confidence and a passion for faith to everything she does. Inspired by her own faith journey and forming and leading various Young Adults groups, Mishal made it her mission to create a welcoming space where young people can belong, deepen their relationship with Christ and build a community of future evangelisers throughout the Diocese. 


Mishal’s background is in Aero-Engineering but she is continuously deepening her own formation and is currently doing a PhD in Practical Theology. Mishal has leadership experience through her days in the RAFVR and applies all her knowledge and skills to her current role. 


When Mishal isn’t busy planning the next youth gathering, you might find her experimenting in the kitchen, redecorating a room, or nurturing her many beloved plants. A lover of travel, she's always eager to learn about different cultures and traditions. And while she has been “still learning” to play the violin for a few years now, her true melody shines through the love and care she shows to her beloved young people - and her beautiful three children ofcourse. 


For Mishal, youth ministry is all about encouraging young people to discover their own unique gifts and using them in building God’s Kingdom here on earth. She is always ready to cheer you on with this simple message: "Leap and hang on tight. God's got you!" So, whether you’re seeking a deep chat over brunch or looking to explore your faith in new ways, Mishal is here to support you on the journey.

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